Friday, 14 June 2013
Change is not my friend!
Said the woman who insists on the same Chinese restaurant when we treat ourselves to a meal in Chinatown, who gets panicked when set plans are altered and who has turned her 2 year old into a routine abiding citizen!!! Try walking past the cafe where Isabella and mummy have our customary omelette on a Friday after playgroup and the world would get to hear about it from Isabella who would be shouting 'dinner, dinner' at the top of her voice!!!!
So, why oh why, give up the customary easy decorative stitching on seams for an all over wavy quilting line ? don't bother telling me, I have already flaggelated myself enough. Have a look at my lovely little quilt below: I finally used my Summerville charm pack with a lovely oyster off white solid and a disappearing nine patch and kaboom!!! it looked stunning! modern fresh and unisex! That was before quilting it though!!! anyway, enough still looks great to be honest but I will leave the wavy lines out of my next little quilt!!!
Here is the front:
and the back which is better than the front!!!: made with a piece of Summerville and a grey fabric I picked up on sale in John Lewis last year! It looks like a city behind a huge fence enclosing its gardens! Everyone has loved this little quilt so yes, am happy too :-)
I also made a Granny Squares quilt for the bella Isabella with some white sashing and a white border to focus the eyes on the blocks instead. This is super-cutie-licious!!!!!!!!!!! every central square has a little animal, boy or girl in it and the fabrics are gorgeous.....made with 2.5" pieces from 3 charm packs.
a block:
another favourite block:
On the wall and not pieced yet is my seahorse quilt. This fabric is absolutely beautiful and the fat quarter stash also contained a panel with lovely large pieces (aka the bottom right seahorse). My friend Carla loves her white squares and this quilt is an inspiration from her work. When I finish it (operative word being 'when'), I am sure it will look lovely. For now, it waits patiently its turn in queue number 6!!!
I know I have written before about fabric avalanches and how I have almost been killed by these in the course of the last year! I swear this is what my fabric stash looks like AFTER spending 2 days of clear out, 1 huge container full of fabric and other attempts to shove fabric into boxes, shelves and drawers around the house!!!! I will not even attempt to fool you about the amount of fabric I stash in the very last 2 shelves which are only in partial view because of the length of my desk. OMG!!!!
If fabric is my therapy, this can only be a 20 year Freudian analysis!!!!
In the process of cleaning up, I found these pieces which came out of a charm pack I bought ages ago from OXFAM would you believe!!! I think it is mainly Sari fabrics and very very thin silks. I decided to take them all out and have a look and this is what they look like. Not sure whether I love or fear this square on my design wall....probably a bit of both...a kind of 'fools rush in....': if anyone out there has an opinion about it please share! I would love to hear what you think.
The other day when I was looking for a photo of my quilts that might tell a story, I found these pictures of Isabella.
In the first one she is asleep during her afternoon nap with her comfort toy wrapped over her face!!! the second one is where she just woke up thinking 'what are my loonie parents doing taking photos of me now?' Isabella's cot is the most cozy place on the planet! surrounded by her quilts, on a flannel sheet made by mummy, on a pillow made by me, very often I want to get in there too!
PS. Isabella turned 2 end of April....OMG where does time fly too? when are those horrible tantrums meant to kick in?!!!!
Amelie x
Monday, 25 March 2013
People power!
When I started this blog I never thought I would care nearly as much as I do about people reading it...
I kinda started it as a soft diary, a record of this quilting passion that was growing very strong in me.
I should say that over the time I have grown to think more about the fellow quilters in blog land and how they relate to me through my photos and blog. I treasure reading people's blogs and over the time I was home-bound with a new born baby, awake through the night to feed her etc, I was very very grateful to all these amazingly creative people out there who through their blogs kept fueling the passion and the new ideas in my head.
Needless to say I also really appreciate the people who have taken the time to look/read my blog and to also comment on my mad drivels!!! so Whoever you are out there, THANK YOU for being in touch and helping me feel part of this quilting community...
This week, I lost 2 people from my 'follower' group! eeekkkkk. I can understand that people move on and I have been so absent...To those of you that are still with me, hang on in there!!! I am planning a few lovely surprises along the way!
In my last blog I promised some more photos of work I have been doing in the last couple of months:
First of all I finished Isabella's blanket, my first ever crochet project!!!! The photo is not great but the blanket is gorgeous and washable at 40 degrees!!!
and a little detail:
The everybody jumped on the trips around the world bandwagon and I did not want to miss out!!! so I picked out the Happy Mochi Yum Yum which I had stashed and forgotten about until now...This fabric was pure sunshine but without some additional solids and some extra purples I would not had had the impact necessary for this project:
so this:
it is massive and I could not face quilting it, so it has also gone off to Ferret. My husband loved it so much, he exclaimed that this is the best quilt I have ever made...he is a simple soul so he must be forgiven!
This is my Bee Europa quilt in the making. I adore how this quilt is looking already BUT that is all i got back from my fellow bees and I will need 4 times this much as I want it for my large bed...well, I guess I have to make up the rest myself! This is the Mod Mosaic Block from Elisabeth Hartman - Oh Fransson!blog.
And this is my latest quilt which I just finished last night (this is just a preview on the design wall): I had got these flannels about 3 years ago and I have been wondering what to do with them ever since! Well, my husband has decided that finally this is his quilt....I don't think I can say no to his first ever request!!!
I have to say that this pattern was a lot of work for flannels (again, another large quilt), bit the effect is great and is the soft feel of the whole quilt....
The proof is in the pudding as they say...and here is my little pudding in her cot surrounded by some of her quilts and all her favourite cuddly friends on a flannel sheet made by mummy too!!! please excuse the stained leggings...daddy is not too much into pjs for the afternoon nap! well, this is proves just how comforting quilts are (never mind that Isabella has always slept very soundly!!!).
Well, before I go, where does time go? Isabella will be 2 next month...and I have to make sure she will have a completed quilt for her second birthday (because she does not have enough???)!
Amelie x
Wednesday, 20 March 2013
Man oh man am I happy to be writing my blog again...don't ask why I have not posted for soooo long. To be honest I lost count myself of all the things that went wrong (computer wiped clean, camera smashed, family all poorly over and over again and on the list goes!), but fundamentally I had to take some time out of this mad race...
I have been struggling to find time to make my quilts, to bring my dreams to reality but also to get to grips with how quilting has been changing in me over the last year...I am growing up as a quilter I guess and I would like a bit more time to experiment, to curate my own work and to play in my own sewing room with my own fabrics and my own ideas.
Sometimes the world wide web feels too intrusive and too overwhelming. And yes, I am of very very weak disposition and i cannot say no to another Bee, another quilt along, another new book or another new line of is all out there simply calling my name, the siren in my ear!!!
Well, this time last year, I started in 6 Bees, I pulled out of one when it was my turn so that I would not let people down (having done 12 rounds or so), and I am active in just one at the moment which also happens to be my most favourite Bee of them all. I would like to say something about my Bee year: it was very very mixed and if I am being honest, it was not all fun. Sometimes the fabrics were challenging, sometimes the blocks were challenging but often the management of the bees was challenging. In 2 of them I did not receive all the pieces back and in one somebody misplaced my fabric pack in their home effectively losing a gorgeous shot cotton fat quarter and a pack of fabrics!!!! What can I say...some blocks came back with truly 'fugly' fabric and some came back in an appaling state having been sewn with black thread and looking very sad and tired. Out of my 6 Bees I will make 1 kiddie quilt and a gorgeous adult one. That's it. Eeekkkk, that is all the disappointing side of bees.
On a positive note, I tried a few new different blocks, got some great ideas and met some great quilters.
All in all, a mixed experience and certainly a great learning lesson in taking on more that I can chew and more than necessary...for 2013 there can only be one bee for me and that is my lot!
Ok, onto exciting things now,
I have been finishing a LOT of quilts which I started back in the day (2009) when i took up quilting. I thought it was about time to move things on a bit and to also use a bit more of the stash which continues to avalance on my head every so often!
So, I finished my Amy Butler Lady of the Lake quilt pattern courtesy of Red Pepper Quilts, and I made a back for it out of leftover fabrics:

and a little quilting detail here:Then I finished my GORGEOUS Hot Air Ballon Quilt and i love love love how this turned out from a simple concept of appliqued squares (a selection of vintage 5" squares i have hoarded for a while) with a circular quilting took an eternity to quilt but it is amzingly beautiful in real life, honest!
Next up is this gorgeous log cabin quilt with a pattern courtesy of Film in the Fridge, front and is beautiful and straightforward to make.
I know I started by moaning about time and the lack of it and here I am showing you all these quilts!!!!! you must remember that some of these have been in the making for a while now and to prove this to you let me proceed with my next beauty which started back in then day when Kaffe Fassett did the workshops at the V&A? God, how long ago was that????
I did a post back then about having bought LOADS of his fabrics before I went off to the V&A to make this snowball quilt in terror that I would not have enough, or that I would not have enough of the 'right' fabrics!!! am such a moron sometimes, even I have to admit it!!!
well, this baby has grown so large that it had to go off to Ferret to be properly quilted because under no circumstances would i fight with it on my little machine....i have to tell you that it looks stunning, stunning, stunning...cannot wait to get that back.
I have a lot more to show you but it is well past my bedtime and I have a long day ahead of me tomorrow but stay tuned because there will be more photos to come!!!
Amelie x
I have been struggling to find time to make my quilts, to bring my dreams to reality but also to get to grips with how quilting has been changing in me over the last year...I am growing up as a quilter I guess and I would like a bit more time to experiment, to curate my own work and to play in my own sewing room with my own fabrics and my own ideas.
Sometimes the world wide web feels too intrusive and too overwhelming. And yes, I am of very very weak disposition and i cannot say no to another Bee, another quilt along, another new book or another new line of is all out there simply calling my name, the siren in my ear!!!
Well, this time last year, I started in 6 Bees, I pulled out of one when it was my turn so that I would not let people down (having done 12 rounds or so), and I am active in just one at the moment which also happens to be my most favourite Bee of them all. I would like to say something about my Bee year: it was very very mixed and if I am being honest, it was not all fun. Sometimes the fabrics were challenging, sometimes the blocks were challenging but often the management of the bees was challenging. In 2 of them I did not receive all the pieces back and in one somebody misplaced my fabric pack in their home effectively losing a gorgeous shot cotton fat quarter and a pack of fabrics!!!! What can I say...some blocks came back with truly 'fugly' fabric and some came back in an appaling state having been sewn with black thread and looking very sad and tired. Out of my 6 Bees I will make 1 kiddie quilt and a gorgeous adult one. That's it. Eeekkkk, that is all the disappointing side of bees.
On a positive note, I tried a few new different blocks, got some great ideas and met some great quilters.
All in all, a mixed experience and certainly a great learning lesson in taking on more that I can chew and more than necessary...for 2013 there can only be one bee for me and that is my lot!
Ok, onto exciting things now,
I have been finishing a LOT of quilts which I started back in the day (2009) when i took up quilting. I thought it was about time to move things on a bit and to also use a bit more of the stash which continues to avalance on my head every so often!
So, I finished my Amy Butler Lady of the Lake quilt pattern courtesy of Red Pepper Quilts, and I made a back for it out of leftover fabrics:
I had also poured blood, sweat and tears over this quilt which had more inset seams than i would like to remember and was very very painful indeed.... the back is plan red but the front is sooo cute with this special little red riding hood fabric which i think I picked up at my first ever Birmingham quilt show! the pattern is by Sarah Fielke and it is called Bye Bye Birdie i think!
So, as I said, I managed to mash up my camera and my stepson who has a degree in photography and all technical things came over and took a series of photos including these one!!! I love him dearly but he never told me that the quilt was upside down and me standing on the sofa wasnot doing it any favours at all!!!

and a little quilting detail here:Then I finished my GORGEOUS Hot Air Ballon Quilt and i love love love how this turned out from a simple concept of appliqued squares (a selection of vintage 5" squares i have hoarded for a while) with a circular quilting took an eternity to quilt but it is amzingly beautiful in real life, honest!
Next up is this gorgeous log cabin quilt with a pattern courtesy of Film in the Fridge, front and is beautiful and straightforward to make.
I know I started by moaning about time and the lack of it and here I am showing you all these quilts!!!!! you must remember that some of these have been in the making for a while now and to prove this to you let me proceed with my next beauty which started back in then day when Kaffe Fassett did the workshops at the V&A? God, how long ago was that????
I did a post back then about having bought LOADS of his fabrics before I went off to the V&A to make this snowball quilt in terror that I would not have enough, or that I would not have enough of the 'right' fabrics!!! am such a moron sometimes, even I have to admit it!!!
well, this baby has grown so large that it had to go off to Ferret to be properly quilted because under no circumstances would i fight with it on my little machine....i have to tell you that it looks stunning, stunning, stunning...cannot wait to get that back.
I have a lot more to show you but it is well past my bedtime and I have a long day ahead of me tomorrow but stay tuned because there will be more photos to come!!!
Amelie x
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