Saturday, 28 April 2012

April's Bees, April Showers and an April Wedding!

It has not stopped raining in London for days...or has it been for weeks and weeks?
It is quite depressing especially considering that this weather is forecasted to carry on into the weekend when Mr Whirlygiggles and I will finally tie the knot!!!!
Finally, finally, finally! not that we have issues about being committed to the marriage institution or anything like that!!!! Well, despite the bad hair and make up trial that made me look like a 60 year old Bo Beep (about to scare her sheep to death!), and the fact that our wedding bands are far too tight (don't ask) and the wedding dress having to be tracked down and shipped from Glasgow, everything else is working like clockwork and we should be set for the day!!!!
Hopefully I will not look like Jemima Pauddleduck on the day and break my ankle whilst trying to walk gracefully along a long corridor!

The worse thing about it all is feeling like the wedding is interfering with my quilting and I was determined to go to my class Thursday night even though I had not done everything that I still need to do like buy shoes, flowers glad I am ONLY a quilting primadonna and not behaving like one for the wedding!
Still, I have managed to complete almost all of my Bee blocks with the exception of one that I will have to redo because of a basic misunderstanding!

So without further ado:

Caroline from We Bee Modern Too asked for this lovely block and send these fabrics: I decided to keep the colours separate:

Princessmax send the central piece and the yellow fabric and asked for a block to be made for a special couple:

 and this is my signature block for their it love it love it....

 I love it! as my handwriting is not very clear and I find writing on fabric almost impossible, stamping is the new and exciting way forward with signature blocks.

Celine from my Bee Europa send us these fabrics to make a Maisy counting quilt for her daughter. I love the idea behind this quilt and I am looking forward to finishing off the other block too...

For my Stash Bee we were asked for a house and here is my crazy animal how the owl is staring at the little dog outside the window!

The NewMrs2011 from my Modern Minx Beginner Bee asked for this block:

This is my work on my spiderweb quilt which was my March month of Bee Europa 2011-2012. I got back loads of fantastic bits of blocks and I need ti put this together soon...I know it will look utterly fantastic when it is finished

And just in case you thought I was slacking (ha ha) I also finished our kitchen curtains and I ADORE these!!! they make me feel all warm and cosy when I come downstairs in the morning to make our coffees and Isabella's milk...all homely, finally...

Talking of which, Isabella will be 1 years of age this weekend..We wanted to get married on her birthday but the wedding venue could only do it the day after...still, close enough...
She is still, by far, the best I have ever made!!!!!

Amelie x

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