Thursday, 29 July 2010


The HST patterns says "make 72 units". It is in black and white and I have read it many many many times.
How come I have 96 units cut up and ready to go?!!!!! arghhhhhh

I will read patterns thoroughly before cutting my favourite fabrics
I will read patterns thoroughly before cutting my favourite fabrics
I will read patterns thoroughly before cutting my favourite fabrics
x 100

Yes, yes, I know I could also make a baby quilt out of it BUT i don't want another HST quilt now...the next 15 projects in my head are keen to materialise!

Here is what the HST project looks like (random placement/not final yet) at the moment with the next few identical units pinned on the current ones in an attempt to introduce a bit of order and control!

As I am too knackered to sew tonight I have cut endlessly...I now have the setting triangles for this quilt also ready (hopefully in the right measurements) and also a gorgeous Kaffe Fassett and shot cotton combination Zig-Zag quilt for my gorgeous nephew..there will be a sneak preview at my next blog!

Off to Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


Sunday, 25 July 2010


When it comes to work/team roles there is a test (Belbin) which is used to determine how you operate within a team. Well, I am not a very good team player (didn't need a test to tell me that) as I like to concentrate on a project and manage it from the beginning to the end (something that Mr Whirlygiggles never seems to be able to to especially when it comes to DIY !!!!).
According to the Belbin test I am an Implementer:
"Implementers have practical common sense and a good deal of self-control and discipline (not when it comes to fabric I do not!). They favour hard work (true - sadly) and tackle problems in a systematic fashion. They succeed because they are efficient (10 unfinished quilts demonstrate my efficiency?!) and because they have a sense of what is feasible  and relevant".

I would like to develop a Quilter's role test where I will be the:
 "Piecing Princess: head in the clouds, inclined to disregard pattern instructions and practical details of excellent quilt-making techniques! has imagination but engages it in inefficient and unorthodox ways. Her many ideas become counter-productive as she refuses to finish anything , a job which she sees as being below her highness status!"

Oh well, back to reality:
Ages ago I got two Swanky turnovers from the US and last night I could no longer help myself...oh...they are so pretty...if they were not fabric I would put them in a vase...and 2 pinwheels appeared!


I have sorted the pairs out and they are ready to be sewn together.
So many gorgeous things to make, so little time...

I also made a few more of my HSTs:

The lighting is not great on these as in finished them about 9pm and so I had to rely on artificial light.

The princess is off to bed soon where she will dream about starting a few more quilts despite the mounting unfinished ones....


Tuesday, 20 July 2010

Softly Softly Catchey Monkey!

Meet Mr Mellow Yellow!

How cute is this little monkey?!!! Back in May when we went on holiday he came with us (plus 2 of his identical friends) and 3 green Giraffes !!! Since then they have been living in the middle of a heavy diary where they have been kept very flat and stared at with some trepidation!
Well, tonight was the night when after a few deep breaths I used my sewing machine with some lovely variegated thread (Ferret will be very proud of me :-)) and all 6 little creatures are looking really fab! It has been a while since I last worked on a kiddie's quilt and I am looking forward to putting this together.

Finally, I also  caught up with Week 6 of my Quilt Along...never has a quilt been handled with such gentleness before...yep, must remember never to do calico on the front again...thank god with loads of tlc and ironing it is ok but it has caused me a lot of unnecessary pain....

And a few more HSTs...What do you think of these Lynne? Hope you like them too!

Finally, here is my finished Authentic Baby Quilt top:

It has been a busy couple of days!!! my head is buzzing with 5 new quilt ideas...arghhhh

Off to Zzzzzzzz's land


Sunday, 18 July 2010

You can't keep a good woman down!!!

A dinner for 8 good friends, a whole load of cleaning, washing and ironing later and yippeeee, I still found a bit of time to do some quilting...
(I do fear that visitors to my blog will think I am the lazyiest person ever when it comes to chores - I am not, honest!!!).

I made 9 more HSTs blocks and they look pretty cute:

Ok, ONLY 57 more to go!!!

I also finished my Week 6 Crazy Mum Quilt-Along but I have not attached the border yet (tomorrow night is a quilt dedicated night!!!)

Off to the sofa for some hand sewing


Sunday, 11 July 2010

The sadness of another weekend gone....

The weeks seem to be flying by at the moment...another Sunday coming to an end and it is ONLY my spine that is quite thankful about that!!!!

Yesterday I bought some more Kaffe Fassett fabric to make the back for my gorgeous Quick Trip quilt and here it is, held by a moaning Mr Whirlygiggles who feared he would break his neck falling off a small coffee table whilst having to hold the quilt top for a photo!!! men can be so dramatic!

The wind was blowing hence the movement towards the bottom part of the quilt top. I seriously adore this quilt because it was so simple and easy to make, a real gift. Let's see what the lovely Ferret will make of this one!!!

I have to tell you about the wonderful woman from Tikki who spent ages with me on Saturday afternoon working about some very complicated calculations for a back for this quilt. She was a real hero to do all that in 28 degrees!!!! What a lovely woman. Unfortunately I did not take her name and I would like to reassure her that everything she cut for me worked like magic. Thank you!

I also finished 4 more HST Overload blocks from a pattern I bought from the adorable Red Pepper Quilts:

I love each one of these, they are so cool. ONLY another 66 to go!!!!!

Off to bed to plan more quilts and to come to terms with another busy week to soon dawn on me!!!!


My good friend Quasimodo, Part 2!

It is almost midnight and taking advantage of an evening alone I have sewn and sewn and sewn so much that I am hurting!!!!

I have completed my Quilt-Along Week 5, yippeeee:

although it looks real cute, I am experiencing some movement in the fabric and i fear it is a combination of using thin calico and also sewing small (and loads) of squares...I hope it will all turn out well in the end...

I also did a few more kaleidoscope flowers and finished the borders of my "Quick Trip" quilt in the gorgeous Kaffe Fassett fabrics.
I will get Mr Whirlygiggles to hold it up tomorrow so I can take a photo.

laughing smileys

Sunday, 4 July 2010

The Take-Aways

I would like to start this blog by thanking my local take-away for feeding me and the family and seeing me through the mad twilights between the daily very long work hours (8am-7pm) and the need for a couple of quilting hours before bed!!!!! If it wasn't for them we would all starve or I would be summoned to do my kitchen duties which I try to avoid at all costs!!!

So, quilting progress so far:

I managed to catch up with Week 4 of 'Crazy Mom Quilts' Quilt-Along and Saturday night I went from this:

to this:

and finally to this:

Isn't it really really sweet? am so pleased with how it is coming along and pleased that all the cutting is now wrist is indeed very sore... BUT I cannot wait for the next instalment!

And this evening I finally found enough courage in me to tackle a quilt I cut weeks ago and was too scared to do in case I did not read the instructions properly again!!!
Eleanor Burns you are a wonderful woman, I adored your book, thank you and please please please adopt me!!!:

Obviously it is not finished yet (not even sewn together yet!!!!) but I am so happy with it and in awe of Eleanor.


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